Carolina Biological Supply Company. More than 90 years of world-class products and support for science education. In addition to serving schools, our products are used by the scientific and health communities.
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Carbol Fuchsin Kinyoun, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Notes: Contains basic fuchsin, water, ethanol, and phenol. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. DOT Class: Flammable. Group: chem-category biological stains. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 852665. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Carbol Fuchsin Ziehl-Neelsen, Laboratory Grade, 1 L
Notes: Contains basic fuchsin, water, ethanol, and phenol Storage Code: Red; flammable DOT Class: Flammable. Group: chem-category biological stains. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 852707. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Carbol Fuchsin Ziehl-Neelsen, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Notes: Contains basic fuchsin, water, ethanol, and phenol. Storage Code: Red; flammable. DOT Class: Flammable. Group: chem-category biological stains. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 852705. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Carbol Xylol, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Storage Code: Red; flammable. Notes: Toxic; causes skin and eye burns. DOT Class: Flammable. Group: chem-category biological stains. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 852793. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Carborundum, Laboratory Grade, 100 g
Formula: SiC. F. W: 40. 10. Characteristics: Hard, bluish-black powder or crystal. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Silicon carbide. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. No. 409-21-2. Product ID: 852690. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cargille Immersion Oil A, Laboratory Grade, 16 oz
Laboratory Grade. Reduces trapped air; low viscosity; 150 centistokes. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 852984. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cargille Immersion Oil A, Laboratory Grade, 1 oz
Reduces trapped air; low viscosity; 150 centistokes. 1-oz size has a glass applicator rod in the cap. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 852980. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cargille Immersion Oil B, Laboratory Grade, 16 oz
Laboratory Grade. View multiple slides with one application; high viscosity; 1, 250 centistokes. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 853004. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cargille Immersion Oil B, Laboratory Grade, 1 oz
Laboratory Grade. View multiple slides with one application; high viscosity; 1, 250 centistokes. 1-oz size has applicator in the cap. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 853000. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Laboratory Grade. View multiple slides with one application; high viscosity; 1, 250 centistokes. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 853311. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Casein, Powder, Laboratory Grade, 100 g
Casein, Powder, Laboratory Grade, 100 g. Characteristic: Off-white powder, odorless. Notes: Mixture of phosphoproteins from milk; hygroscopic. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 9000-71-9. Product ID: 853428. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Catalase, Laboratory Grade, 1 mL
Dilute 1 mL catalase to 715 mL with distilled water for a final concentration of 400 IU/mL; converts hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water; keep refrigerated; oxidizing enzyme. This product has a shelf life of 6 months from date of receipt. Health Risk: 1. Flammability: 1. Reactivity: 0. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 9001-5-2. Product ID: 853530. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Catalase, Laboratory Grade, 5 mL
Dilute 1 mL catalase to 715 mL with distilled water for a final concentration of 400 IU/mL; converts hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water; keep refrigerated; oxidizing enzyme. This product has a shelf life of 6 months from date of receipt. Health Risk: 1. Flammability: 1. Reactivity: 0. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 9001-5-2. Product ID: 853532. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Catechol, Reagent Grade, 100 g
99% pyrocatechol. Formula: C6H602. Formula Wt: 110. 11. Storage Code: Blue; toxic. DOT Class: Toxic. Alternative Names: Pyrocatechol. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 120-80-9. Product ID: 853540. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cellulase, Laboratory Grade, 25 g
Breaks down cellulose into glucose; solid contains 1, 000 to 150, 000 cellulase units (CU) per gram; keep refrigerated; optimal pH for activity is pH 5; optimal temperature for activity is 55° C; not a substitute for catalase used in AP® Biology lab. Health Risk: 1. Flammability: 1. Reactivity: 0. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 853630. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Charcoal, Activated Carbon, Reagent Grade, 500 g
Formula: C. Formula Wt: 12. 01. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 7440-44-0. Product ID: 853740. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Charcoal, Wood, Lump, Laboratory Grade, 500 g
Formula: C. F. W: 12. 01. Characteristics: Black lumps Notes: Insoluble in water and/or organic solvents Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 7440-44-0. Product ID: 853780. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Chlorine Water Saturated, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Characteristics: Pale yellow liquid with chlorine odor Storage Code: White; corrosive. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 853943. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Chloroform, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Formula: CHCl3. F. W: 119. 38. Characteristic: Clear. Notes: consider ethyl acetate as a green chemistry substitute. Storage Code: Blue; toxic. Alternative Names: Trichloromethane. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 67-66-3. Product ID: 853980. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cider Vinegar, 3.8 L
Characteristic: Brown (cider vinegar) or colorless (white vinegar). Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Notes: Contains at least 4% acetic acid. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 64-19-7. Product ID: 898108. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Citric Acid, Anhydrous, Powder, Reagent Grade, 500 g
Formula: C6H8O7. Formula Wt: 192. 13Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Uses: Used in the manufacture of beverages, pharmaceutical syrups, and elixirs. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 77-92-9. Product ID: 854770. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Citric Acid Monohydrate, Laboratory Grade, 100 g
Formula: C6H8O7 H2O. Formula Wt: 210. 14. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. CAS No. 5949-29-1. Product ID: 854695. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Citric Acid, Monohydrate, Laboratory Grade, 500 g
Formula: C6H8O7 H2O. Formula Wt: 210. 14Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 5949-29-1. Product ID: 854690. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Clear Glue, 1 gal
Notes: This multipurpose school glue goes on clear and dries clear for perfect projects every time. Safe, nontoxic, and washable. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Product ID: 865445. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cobalt Chloride, Hexahydrate, 0.2 M, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Formula: CoCl2 6H2O. Formula Wt: 237. 93. Notes: Soluble in most organic solvents. Green chemistry substitute for cobalt nitrate. Storage Code: White; corrosive. Alternative Names: Cobalt II chloride. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 7791-13-1. Product ID: 854957. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cobalt Chloride, Hexahydrate, Reagent Grade, 100 g
Formula: CoCl2 6H2O. Formula Wt. 237. 93. Notes: Soluble in most organic solvents; green chemistry substitute for cobalt nitrate. Storage Code: White; corrosive. Group: chem-category greener chemicals. Alternative Names: Cobalt II chloride, hexahydrate. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 7791-13-1. Product ID: 854959. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Coconut Oil, Laboratory Grade, 100 mL
Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 8001-31-8. Product ID: 855001. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Coconut Oil, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 8001-31-8. Product ID: 855003. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Congo Red, 1% Aqueous, Laboratory Grade, 100 mL
pH 3 blue to 5. 0 red. Formula: C32H22N6Na2O6S2. Formula Wt: 696. 67. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Group: chem-category ph-indicators. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 573-58-0. Product ID: 855363. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Congo Red, 1% Aqueous, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Formula: C32H22N6Na2O6S2. Formula Wt: 696. 67. Notes: pH 3 blue to 5. 0 red. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Group: chem-category ph-indicators. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 573-58-0. Product ID: 855365. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Congo Red, Laboratory Grade, 10 g
Formula: C32H22N6Na2O6S2. Formula Wt: 696. 67. Notes: pH 3 blue to 5. 0 red. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Group: chem-category ph-indicators. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 573-58-0. Product ID: 855348. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Copper, Foil, 0.002" Thick, Electrolytic, Reagent Grade, 100 g
Formula Wt: 63. 55. Characteristic: Copper color. Notes: Foil measures 0. 002" thick x 6" wide x 5' 2" long Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Group: chem-category greener chemicals. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 7440-50-8. Product ID: 855420. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Copper (I) Chloride, Powder, Laboratory Grade, 100 g
Formula: CuCl. Formula Wt: 99. 00. Characteristic: Tan to grayish-white powder, odorless. Notes: Sensitive to moisture and sunlight; solutions oxidize rapidly in air. Storage Code: White; corrosive. Alternative Names: Cuprous chloride. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 7758-89-6. Product ID: 856305. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Copper (II) Chloride, 1.0 M Solution, Anhydrous, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Formula: CuCl2. Formula Wt: 134. 45. Characteristics: Yellow-brown crystalline powder. Storage Code: White; corrosive. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 7447-39-4. Product ID: 856434. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Copper (II) Chloride, Anhydrous, Laboratory Grade, 100 g
Formula: CuCl2. F. W: 134. 45. Characteristics: Yellow-brown crystalline powder. Storage Code: White; corrosive. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 7447-39-4. Product ID: 856430. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Copper (II) Nitrate Solution, 0.1 M, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Formula: Cu(NO3)2. Formula Wt: 187. 56. Characteristic: Dark blue Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Cupric nitrate. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 10031-43-3. Product ID: 856475. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Copper (II) Nitrate, Trihydrate, Reagent Grade, 100 g
Formula: Cu(NO3)2 3H2O. Formula Wt: 241. 6. Characteristic: Dark blue. Storage Code: Yellow; reactive. Alternative Names: Cupric nitrate. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 10031-43-3. Product ID: 856479. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Copper (II) Sulfate, Anhydrous, Reagent Grade, 100 g
Formula: CuSO4. Formula Wt: 159. 6. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Copper (II) sulfate, anhydrous. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 7758-98-7. Product ID: 856589. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Copper (II) Sulfate Solution, 1 M (25%), Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Formula: CuSO4. Characteristic: Blue. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Cupric sulfate solution. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 855640. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Copper, Powder, Laboratory Grade, 500 g
Formula Wt: 63. 55. Characteristic: Copper color. Notes: Green chemistry substitute for lead. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Group: chem-category greener chemicals. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 7440-50-8. Product ID: 855530. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Copper, Shot, Laboratory Grade, 500 g
F. W: 63. 55. Characteristic: Copper color. Notes: Green chemistry substitute for lead. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Laboratory Grade - Intermediate purity. Suitable for educational laboratories. Use for qualitative analysis, not quantitative analysis. Group: chem-category greener chemicals. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 7440-50-8. Product ID: 855580. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Copper Sulfate Solution, 20%, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Formula: CuSO4. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Cupric sulfate stock solution. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 855643. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Corn Oil, 16 oz.
Corn Oil, 16 oz. Characteristic: Light yellow oil. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 855700. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Corn Syrup, 16 oz
Notes: Contains dextrose; tests positive with Benedicts solution. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 855720. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cresol Red, Laboratory Grade, 1 g
Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Group: chem-category ph-indicators. Alternative Names: o-cresolsulfonephthalein. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 856053. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Crystal Violet, 1% Aqueous, Laboratory Grade, 1 L
Formula: C25H30ClN3F. W: 407. 99. Notes: Biological stain. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Group: chem-category biological stains. Alternative Names: Gentian violet. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 548-62-9. Product ID: 856207. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Crystal Violet, 1% Aqueous, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Formula: C25H30ClN3. F. W: 407. 99. Characteristic: Solid is green crystalline powder. Notes: Biological stain. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Group: chem-category biological stains. Alternative Names: Gentian violet. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 548-62-9. Product ID: 856205. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Crystal Violet, Reagent Grade, 10 g
Formula: C25H30ClN3. F. W: 407. 99. Characteristic: Solid is green crystalline powder. Notes: Biological stain. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Group: chem-category biological stains. Alternative Names: Gentian violet. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 548-62-9. Product ID: 856150. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cupric Carbonate Powder, Laboratory Grade, 500 g
Formula: CuCO3-Cu(OH)2. F. W: 221. 12. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Laboratory Grade; Intermediate purity. Suitable for educational laboratories. Use for qualitative analysis, not quantitative analysis. Alternative Names: Copper (II) carbonate. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 12069-69-1. Product ID: 856400. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cupric Carbonate, Reagent Grade, 100 g
Formula: Cu2(OH)2CO3. Formula Wt: 221. 11. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Reactivity: 0. Alternative Names: Copper (II) carbonate. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 12069-69-1. Product ID: 856398. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cupric Chloride, Dihydrate, Laboratory Grade, 500 g
Formula: CuCl2 2H2O. Formula Wt: 170. 49. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. DOT Class: Corrosive. Alternative Names: Copper (II) chloride, dihydrate. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 10125-13-0. Product ID: 856440. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cupric Chloride, Dihydrate, Reagent Grade, 100 g
Formula: CuCl2 2H2O. Formula Wt: 170. 49. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. DOT Class: Corrosive. Alternative Names: Copper (II) chloride, dihydrate. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 10125-13-0. Product ID: 856450. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cupric Chloride, Dihydrate, Reagent Grade, 500 g
Formula: CuCl2 2H2O. Formula Wt: 170. 49. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. DOT Class: Corrosive. Alternative Names: Copper (II) chloride, dihydrate. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 10125-13-0. Product ID: 856442. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cupric Oxide, Reagent Grade, 100 g
Formula: CuO. F. W: 79. 55. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Copper (II) oxide, cupric oxide black. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 1317-38-0. Product ID: 856488. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cupric Sulfate, Anhydrous, Reagent Grade, 500 g
Formula: CuSO4. Formula Wt: 159. 6. Characteristic: Off White. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Copper (II) sulfate, anhydrous. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 7758-98-7. Product ID: 856592. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cupric Sulfate, Pentahydrate, Fine Crystal, Reagent Grade, 500 g
Formula: CuSO4 5H2O. Formula Wt: 249. 69. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 7758-99-8. Product ID: 856562. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cupric Sulfate, Pentahydrate, Laboratory Grade, 2.5 kg
Formula: CuSO4 5H2O. Formula Wt: 249. 69. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 7758-99-8. Product ID: 856552. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cupric Sulfate, Pentahydrate, Laboratory Grade, 500 g
Formula: CuSO4 5H2O. Formula Wt: 249. 69. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Copper (II) sulfate, pentahydrate. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 7758-99-8. Product ID: 856550. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cyclohexane, Laboratory Grade, 500 mL
Formula: CH2(CH2)4CH2. Formula Wt: 84. 16. Characteristics: Clear, colorless liquid. Storage Code: Red; flammable. Alternative Names: Hexahydrobenzene. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 110-82-7. Product ID: 856798. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Cyclohexene, Laboratory Grade, 100 mL
Formula: C6H10. F. W: 82. 14. Characteristics: Clear, colorless liquid. Storage Code: Red; flammable** Flammable. Alternative Names: 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydrobenzene. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 110-83-8. Product ID: 856794. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Dextrose, Anhydrous, Granular, Reagent Grade, 1 kg
Formula: C6H12O6. F. W: 180. 16. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Glucose, D-glucose, grape sugar, corn sugar. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 50-99-7. Product ID: 857432. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Dextrose, Anhydrous, Granular, Reagent Grade, 500 g
Formula: C6H12O6. F. W: 180. 16. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Glucose, D-glucose, grape sugar, corn sugar. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 50-99-7. Product ID: 857430. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Dextrose, Anhydrous, Powder, Reagent Grade, 2 kg
Formula: C6H12O6. F. W: 180. 16. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Glucose, D-glucose, grape sugar, corn sugar. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 50-99-7. Product ID: 857451. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Dextrose, Anhydrous, Powder, Reagent Grade, 500 g
Formula: C6H12O6. F. W: 180. 16. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Glucose, D-glucose, grape sugar, corn sugar. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 50-99-7. Product ID: 857450. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Dextrose, Monohydrate, Powder, Laboratory Grade, 500 g
Formula: C6H12O6 H2O. Formula Wt: 198. 18. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Glucose. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 14431-43-7. Product ID: 857488. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Dextrose, Monohydrate, Powder, Reagent Grade, 500 g
Formula: C6H12O6 H2O. Formula Wt: 198. 18. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Glucose. Grades: chem-grade reagent. CAS No. 14431-43-7. Product ID: 857490. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Diastase Powder, Laboratory Grade, 25 g
Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Notes: 1 X NF; 1 g digests 50 g starch in less than 30 min. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 9000-92-4. Product ID: 857539. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Diatomaceous Earth, Laboratory Grade, 500 g
Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Notes: Filter aid. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 61790-53-2. Product ID: 857570. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Disinfectant, Wavicide®-01, Laboratory Grade, 3.8 L
Formula: 2. 65% solution (glutaraldehyde). Storage Code: Blue; toxic. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. Product ID: 858475. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
Distilled Water, Singly Distilled, Laboratory Grade, 3.8 L
Formula: H2O. F. W: 18. 01. Characteristic: Clear, colorless liquid. Storage Code: Green; general chemical storage. Alternative Names: Hydrogen oxide. Grades: chem-grade laboratory. CAS No. 7732-18-5. Product ID: 858621. -- SOLD FOR EDUCATIONAL USE ONLY --
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