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Nuclear transcription factor Y subunit gamma (28-37)
Nuclear transcription factor Y subunit gamma (28-37) is a 10-aa peptide. Nuclear transcription factor Y subunit gamma is a component of the sequence-specific heterotrimeric transcription factor (NF-Y) which specifically recognizes a 5'-CCAAT-3' box motif found in the promoters of its target genes. Synonyms: CAAT box DNA-binding protein subunit C (28-37); Nuclear transcription factor Y subunit C (28-37).
Nuclear Yellow
Nuclear yellow, as Hoechst S769121, belongs Hoechst stains, which were originally developed by Hoechst AG, which numbered all their compounds and are soluble in water and in organic solvents such as dimethyl formamide or dimethyl sulfoxide. It is the long-wavelength tracer and is often combined with the popular retrograde tracer true blue for two-color neuronal mapping. It exhibits excitation/emission maxima ~335/495 nm when bound to DNA. In neuronal cells, it primarily stains the nucleus with yellow fluorescence. It is stable when subjected to immunohistochemical processing and can be used to photoconvert DAB into an insoluble, electron-dense reaction product. Uses: Nuclear yellow exhibits excitation/emission maxima ~335/495 nm when bound to dna. in neuronal cells, it primarily stains the nucleus with yellow fluorescence. Synonyms: 4-[6-[6-(4-Methyl-1-Piperazinyl)-1H-Benzimidazol-2-Yl]-1H-Benzimidazol-2-Yl]Benzenesulfonamide Trihydrochloride;4-(5-(4-Methyl-1-Piperazinyl)(2,5'-Bi-1H-Benzimidazol)-2'-Yl)Benzenesulfonamide Trihydrochloride;Hoe-S769121;2-(4-Sulfamylphenyl)-6-[6-(4-methylpiperazino)-2-benzimidazolyl]benzimidazole trihydrochloride. Grades: 98%. CAS No. 74681-68-8. Molecular formula: C25H28N7O2SCl3. Mole weight: 596.96.
Nuclease-free Water
Nuclease-free Water. Ddh2o is purified by reverse osmosis method. it is suitable for most molecular and cell biology applications. Group: Cloning Enzymes. Purity: 25ml. Storage: Store at Room Temperature. Cat No: CE-3009.
Nuclease, restrictionendodeoxyribo-, BsmI
Heterocyclic Organic Compound. Alternative Names: BSM I;BSM I RESTRICTION ENZYME;RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASES BSM I;restriction endonuclease bsm I*from bacillus;bsm i from bacillus stearothermophilus nub 36;RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASE BSM I. CAS No. 122007-72-1. Catalog: ACM122007721.
Nuclease, restrictionendodeoxyribo-, FspI
Heterocyclic Organic Compound. Alternative Names: RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASES NCO I;NCO I RESTRICTION ENZYME;NCO I;FSP I;restriction endonuclease nco I from*nocardia cora;RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASE NCO I FROM*NOCA RDIA CORALL;nco i from nocardia corallina;RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASE FSP I. CAS No. 107824-63-5. Catalog: ACM107824635.
Nuclease, restrictionendodeoxyribo-, NotI
Heterocyclic Organic Compound. Alternative Names: NOT I;NOT I RESTRICTION ENZYME;RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASES NOT I;restriction endonuclease not I from*nocardia otid;RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASE NOT I FROM*NOCA RDIA OTIDIS;NOT I 5'.GC GGCCGC.3' ISOLATED FROM NOCARDIA OTITDIS-CAVIARUM;not i from nocardia ot. CAS No. 103780-20-7. Molecular formula: C13H18O5S2. Mole weight: 318.40902;g/mol. Purity: 0.96. IUPACName: [(2R,3S,4R)-4-acetyl-4-(1,3-dithian-2-yl)-3-methyl-5-oxooxolan-2-yl]acetate. Canonical SMILES: CC1C (OC (=O)C1 (C2SCCCS2)C (=O)C)OC (=O)C. Catalog: ACM103780207.
Nuclease, restrictionendodeoxyribo-, SpeI
Heterocyclic Organic Compound. Alternative Names: RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASES SPE I;SPE I;SPE I RESTRICTION ENZYME;RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASE SPE I FROM*SPHA EROTILUS SP; spei5'. actagt. 3'isolatedfromsphaerotilusspecies; spe i from sphaerotilus sp.;RESTRICTION ENDONUCLEASE SPE I. CAS No. 115926-60-8. Molecular formula: ClH. Mole weight: 36.46094;g/mol. Purity: 0.96. IUPACName: chlorane. Canonical SMILES: Cl. ECNumber: 231-595-7. Catalog: ACM115926608.
This vaccine adjuvant enhances the immune response by electrostatically attaching nucleic acids and protecting them from degradation. It is only for research purposes. Group: Liposomal vaccine or adjuvant.
Nucleocidin is originally isolated from Str. calvus T 3018 and it is mainly resistant to bacteria, mycoplasma and protozoa. Synonyms: 4'-Fluoro-5'-O-sulfamoyladenosine; Antibiotic T-3018; 4'-C-Fluoroadenosine 5'-sulfamate; NSC 521007. Grades: >98%. CAS No. 24751-69-7. Molecular formula: C10H13FN6O6S. Mole weight: 364.31.
nucleoplasmin ATPase
An acidic nuclear protein that is active in the ATP-dependent assembly of nucleosome cores, in decondensation of sperm chromatin and in other histone-involving processes. Group: Enzymes. Enzyme Commission Number: EC Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-4701; nucleoplasmin ATPase; EC Cat No: EXWM-4701.
Nucleoprotein 118-126
It is a 9-aa peptide, a fragment of Nucleoprotein. Synonyms: NP (118-126); H-Arg-Pro-Gln-Ala-Ser-Gly-Val-Tyr-Met-OH; L-arginyl-L-prolyl-L-glutaminyl-L-alanyl-L-seryl-glycyl-L-valyl-L-tyrosyl-L-methionine. Grades: ≥95%. CAS No. 124454-83-7. Molecular formula: C43H69N13O13S. Mole weight: 1008.15.
Nucleoprotein (265-273)
Nucleoprotein (265-273) is amino acids 265 to 273 fragment of Nucleoprotein. The highly conserved internal nucleoprotein (NP) is a promising antigen to develop a universal influenza A virus vaccine. Molecular formula: C43H77N15O11. Mole weight: 980.17.
Nucleoprotein 396-404
Nucleoprotein (396-404) is the 396 to 404 fragment of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). Synonyms: NP 396. Grades: >98%. CAS No. 158475-79-7. Molecular formula: C50H71N13O14. Mole weight: 1078.18.
Nucleoside 5-triphospates Kit (A, G, U, C)
nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase
Base1 and base2 represent various purines and pyrimidines. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: purine(pyrimidine) nucleoside:purine(pyrimidine) deoxyribosyl transferase; deoxyribose transferase; nucleoside trans-N-deoxyribosylase; trans-deoxyribosylase; trans-N-deoxyribosylase; trans-N-glycosidase; nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase I (purine nucleoside:purine deoxyribosyltransferase: strictly specific for transfer between purine bases); nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase II [purine(pyrimidine) nucleoside:purine(pyrimidine) deoxyribosyltransferase]. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9026-86-2. NDT. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-2689; nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase; EC; 9026-86-2; purine(pyrimidine) nucleoside:purine(pyrimidine) deoxyribosyl transferase; deoxyribose transferase; nucleoside trans-N-deoxyribosylase; trans-deoxyribosylase; trans-N-deoxyribosylase; trans-N-glycosidase; nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase I (purine nucleoside:purine deoxyribosyltransferase: strictly specific for transfer between purine bases); nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase II [purine(pyrimidine) nucleoside:purine(pyrimidine) deoxyribosyltransferase]. Cat No: EXWM-2689.
Nucleoside Deoxyribosyltransferase II from Lactobacillus leichmanii, Recombinant
Class II N-Deoxyribosyltranferases, DRTases, catalyze the transfer of a 2'-deoxyribosyl group between purines or pyrimidines. In the absence of an acceptor nucleobase, these enzymes display hydrolase activity, converting the nucleoside to its base and a deoxyribose. In lactobacilli species, Nucleoside Deoxyribosyltransferase enzymes are part of the nucleoside salvage pathway for DNA synthesis. Applications: Nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase ii has been used in a study that assessed its enzymatic synthesis with 2?-deoxyguanosine. nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase ii has also been used in studies to investigate its molecular cloning, expression and spe... CAS No. 9026-86-2. NDT. Storage: -20°C. Form: lyophilized powder. Source: E. coli. Species: Lactobacillus leichmanii. EC; purine (pyrimidine) nucleoside:purine (pyrimidine) deoxyribosyl transferase; deoxyribose transferase; nucleoside trans-N-deoxyribosylase; trans-deoxyribosylase; trans-N-deoxyribosylase; trans-N-glycosidase; nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase I (purine nucleoside:purine deoxyribosyltransferase:strictly specific for transfer between purine bases); nucleoside deoxyribosyltransferase II [purine (pyrimidine) nucleoside:purine (pyrimidine) deoxyribosyltransferase]; DRTase; Deoxyribose transferase; NDT. Cat No: NATE-0478.
nucleoside-diphosphate kinase
Many nucleoside diphosphates can act as acceptors, while many ribo- and deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates can act as donors. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: nucleoside 5'-diphosphate kinase; nucleoside diphosphate (UDP) kinase; nucleoside diphosphokinase; nucleotide phosphate kinase; UDP kinase; uridine diphosphate kinase. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9026-51-1. NDPK. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-3216; nucleoside-diphosphate kinase; EC; 9026-51-1; nucleoside 5'-diphosphate kinase; nucleoside diphosphate (UDP) kinase; nucleoside diphosphokinase; nucleotide phosphate kinase; UDP kinase; uridine diphosphate kinase. Cat No: EXWM-3216.
Nucleoside-Diphosphate Kinase (Crude Enzyme)
Nucleoside-diphosphate kinases (NDPKs, also NDP Kinase, (poly)nucleotide kinases and nucleoside diphosphokinases) are enzymesthat catalyze the exchange of terminal phosphate between different nucleoside diphosphates (NDP) and triphosphates (NTP) in a reversible manner to produce nucleotide triphosphates. Many NDP serve as acceptor while NTP are donors of phosphate group. The general reaction via ping-pong mechanism is as follows: XDP + YTP ?? XTP + YDP (X and Y each represent different nitrogenous base). NDPK activities maintain an equilibrium between the concentrations of different nucleoside triphosphates such as, for example, when guanosine triphosphate (GTP) produce... activity was briefly purified from engineered E. coli. Applications: Medicine. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: nucleoside 5'-diphosphate kinase; nucleoside diphosphate (UDP) kinase; nucleoside diphosphokinase; nucleotide phosphate kinase; UDP kinase; uridine diphosphate kinase. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9026-51-1. NDPK. Activity: Undetermined. Appearance: Clear to translucent yellow solution. Storage: at -20 °C or lower, for at least 1 month. Source: E. coli. nucleoside 5'-diphosphate kinase; nucleoside diphosphate (UDP) kinase; nucleoside diphosphokinase; nucleotide phosphate kinase; UDP kinase; uridine diphosphate kinase. Pack: 100ml. Cat No: NATE-1829.
nucleoside diphosphate phosphatase
The enzyme, which appears to be limited to metazoa, acts on multiple nucleoside diphosphates as well as on D-ribose 5-diphosphate. Specificity depends on species and isoform. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: nucleoside-diphosphatase; thiaminpyrophosphatase; UDPase; inosine diphosphatase; adenosine diphosphatase; IDPase; ADPase; adenosinepyrophosphatase; guanosine diphosphatase; guanosine 5'-diphosphatase; inosine 5'-diphosphatase; uridine diphosphatase; uridine 5'-diphosphatase; type B nucleoside diphosphatase; GDPase; CDPase; nucleoside 5'-diphosphatase; type L nucleoside diphosphatase; NDPase; nucleoside diphosphate phosphohydrolase. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9027-69-4. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-4632; nucleoside diphosphate phosphatase; EC; 9027-69-4; nucleoside-diphosphatase; thiaminpyrophosphatase; UDPase; inosine diphosphatase; adenosine diphosphatase; IDPase; ADPase; adenosinepyrophosphatase; guanosine diphosphatase; guanosine 5'-diphosphatase; inosine 5'-diphosphatase; uridine diphosphatase; uridine 5'-diphosphatase; type B nucleoside diphosphatase; GDPase; CDPase; nucleoside 5'-diphosphatase; type L nucleoside diphosphatase; NDPase; nucleoside diphosphate phosphohydrolase. Cat No: EXWM-4632.
nucleoside oxidase
Other purine and pyrimidine nucleosides (as well as 2'-deoxyribonucleosides) are substrates, but ribose and nucleotides are not substrates. The overall reaction takes place in two separate steps, with the 5'-dehydro nucleoside being released from the enzyme to serve as substrate for the second reaction. This enzyme differs from EC, nucleoside oxidase (H2O2-forming), as it produces water rather than hydrogen peroxide. Group: Enzymes. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 82599-71-1. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-0406; nucleoside oxidase; EC; 82599-71-1. Cat No: EXWM-0406.
nucleoside oxidase (H2O2-forming)
A heme-containing flavoprotein (FAD). Other purine and pyrimidine nucleosides (as well as 2'-deoxyribonucleosides and arabinosides) are substrates, but ribose and nucleotides are not substrates. The overall reaction takes place in two separate steps, with the 5'-dehydro nucleoside being released from the enzyme to serve as substrate for the second reaction. This enzyme differs from EC, nucleoside oxidase, as it produces hydrogen peroxide rather than water. Group: Enzymes. Enzyme Commission Number: EC Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-0411; nucleoside oxidase (H2O2-forming); EC Cat No: EXWM-0411.
nucleoside-phosphate kinase
Many nucleotides can act as acceptors; other nucleoside triphosphates can act instead of ATP. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: NMP-kinase. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9026-50-0. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-3215; nucleoside-phosphate kinase; EC; 9026-50-0; NMP-kinase. Cat No: EXWM-3215.
nucleoside phosphoacylhydrolase
Attacks ribonucleoside 5'-nitrophenylphosphates, but is inactive against phosphodiesters. Group: Enzymes. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 37289-35-3. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-4608; nucleoside phosphoacylhydrolase; EC; 37289-35-3. Cat No: EXWM-4608.
Nucleoside Phosphorylase from bacterial, Recombinant
In enzymology, a purine-nucleoside phosphorylase (EC is an enzyme that catalyzes the chemical reaction:purine nucleoside + phosphate<-> purine + alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate. Thus, the two substrates of this enzyme are purine nucleoside and phosphate, whereas its two products are purine and alpha-D-ribose 1-phosphate. This enzyme belongs to the family of glycosyltransferases, specifically the pentosyltransferases. This enzyme participates in 3 metabolic pathways:purine metabolism, pyrimidine metabolism, and nicotinate and nicotinamide metabolism. Applications: Nucleoside phosphorylase is used in coupled enzyme systems to measure protein dephosphorylation. bac...eoxynucleoside phosphorylase; purine deoxyribonucleoside phosphorylase; purine nucleoside phosphorylase; purine ribonucleoside phosphorylase; 9030-21-1; EC Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9030-21-1. PNPase. Activity: > 10 units/mg protein. Storage: -20°C. Form: lyophilized powder. Source: E. coli. Species: Bacterial. purine-nucleoside phosphorylase; inosine phosphorylase; PNP; PNPase; PUNPI; PUNPII; inosine-guanosine phosphorylase; nucleotide phosphatase; purine deoxynucleoside phosphorylase; purine deoxyribonucleoside phosphorylase; purine nucleoside phosphorylase; purine ribonucleoside phosphorylase; 9030-21-1; EC Cat No: NATE-0607.
nucleoside phosphotransferase
Phenyl phosphate and nucleoside 3'-phosphates can act as donors, although not so well as nucleoside 5'-phosphates. Nucleosides as well as 2'-deoxyribonucleosides can act as acceptors. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: nonspecific nucleoside phosphotransferase; nucleotide:3'-deoxynucleoside 5'-phosphotransferase. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9055-37-2. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-3106; nucleoside phosphotransferase; EC; 9055-37-2; nonspecific nucleoside phosphotransferase; nucleotide:3'-deoxynucleoside 5'-phosphotransferase. Cat No: EXWM-3106.
nucleoside ribosyltransferase
Base1 and base2 represent various purines and pyrimidines. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: nucleoside N-ribosyltransferase. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9030-31-3. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-2679; nucleoside ribosyltransferase; EC; 9030-31-3; nucleoside N-ribosyltransferase. Cat No: EXWM-2679.
nucleoside-triphosphate-adenylate kinase
Many nucleoside triphosphates can act as donors. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: guanosine triphosphate-adenylate kinase; nucleoside triphosphate-adenosine monophosphate transphosphorylase; GTP:AMP phosphotransferase; isozyme 3 of adenylate kinase. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9026-74-8. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-3191; nucleoside-triphosphate-adenylate kinase; EC; 9026-74-8; guanosine triphosphate-adenylate kinase; nucleoside triphosphate-adenosine monophosphate transphosphorylase; GTP:AMP phosphotransferase; isozyme 3 of adenylate kinase. Cat No: EXWM-3191.
In decreasing order of activity, guanosine, inosine and adenosine diphosphate hexoses are substrates in the reverse reaction, with either glucose or mannose as the sugar. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: NDP hexose pyrophosphorylase; hexose 1-phosphate nucleotidyltransferase; hexose nucleotidylating enzyme; nucleoside diphosphohexose pyrophosphorylase; hexose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase; GTP:α-D-hexose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase; GDP hexose pyrophosphorylase; guanosine diphosphohexose pyrophosphorylase; nucleoside-triphosphate-hexose-1-phosphate nucleotidyltransferase; NTP:he. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 37278-26-5. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-3239; nucleoside-triphosphate-aldose-1-phosphate nucleotidyltransferase; EC; 37278-26-5; NDP hexose pyrophosphorylase; hexose 1-phosphate nucleotidyltransferase; hexose nucleotidylating enzyme; nucleoside diphosphohexose pyrophosphorylase; hexose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase; GTP:α-D-hexose-1-phosphate guanylyltransferase; GDP hexose pyrophosphorylase; guanosine diphosphohexose pyrophosphorylase; nucleoside-triphosphate-hexose-1-phosphate nucleotidyltransferase; NTP:hexose-1-phosphate nucleotidyltransferase. Cat No: EXWM-3239.
nucleoside-triphosphate phosphatase
The enzyme is found in eukaryotes and thermophilic bacteria, but appears to be absent from mesophilic bacteria. Also hydrolyses nucleoside diphosphates, thiamine diphosphate and FAD. The enzyme from the plant Pisum sativum (garden pea) is regulated by calmodulin. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: nucleoside-triphosphatase; nucleoside triphosphate phosphohydrolase; nucleoside-5-triphosphate phosphohydrolase; nucleoside 5-triphosphatase; unspecific diphosphate phosphohydrolase. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9075-51-8. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-4599; nucleoside-triphosphate phosphatase; EC; 9075-51-8; nucleoside-triphosphatase; nucleoside triphosphate phosphohydrolase; nucleoside-5-triphosphate phosphohydrolase; nucleoside 5-triphosphatase; unspecific diphosphate phosphohydrolase. Cat No: EXWM-4599.
A wide specificity for 2', 3'- and 5'- nucleotides; also hydrolyses glycerol phosphate and 4-nitrophenyl phosphate. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: nucleotide phosphatase; nucleotide-specific phosphatase; NSP I; NSP II; deoxyribonucleoside-activated nucleotidase (DAN); deoxyinosine-activated nucleotidase (DIAN); acid nucleotidase. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9033-33-4. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-3634; nucleotidase; EC; 9033-33-4; nucleotide phosphatase; nucleotide-specific phosphatase; NSP I; NSP II; deoxyribonucleoside-activated nucleotidase (DAN); deoxyinosine-activated nucleotidase (DIAN); acid nucleotidase. Cat No: EXWM-3634.
Nucleotide Compound Library
A unique collection of 255 nucleoside and nucleotide analogues, can be used for research and development of anti-viral, anti-tumor, anti-fungal, and anti-depressive drugs; - Some compounds are in the clinical trial phases or market therapeutic drugs?- Detailed compound information with structure, target, and biological activity description?- NMR and HPLC validated to ensure high purity and quality. Uses: Scientific use. Product Category: L1720. Categories: Nucleotide Compounds Libraries.
nucleotide diphosphatase
The enzyme preferentially hydrolyses ATP, but can also hydrolyse other nucleoside 5' triphosphates such as GTP, CTP, TTP and UTP to their corresponding monophosphates. In vitro the enzyme also acts as a nucleotidohydrolase on ADP, NAD+, NADP+, FAD, and CoA. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: ENPP1 (gene name); nucleotide pyrophosphatase; nucleotide-sugar pyrophosphatase; nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 9032-64-8. Nucleotide Pyrophosphatase. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-4643; nucleotide diphosphatase; EC; 9032-64-8; ENPP1 (gene name); nucleotide pyrophosphatase; nucleotide-sugar pyrophosphatase; nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase. Cat No: EXWM-4643.
nucleotide diphosphokinase
The enzyme acts on the 5'-mono-, di- and triphosphate derivatives of purine nucleosides. Group: Enzymes. Synonyms: nucleotide pyrophosphokinase; ATP:nucleotide pyrophosphotransferase; ATP nucleotide 3'-pyrophosphokinase; nucleotide 3'-pyrophosphokinase. Enzyme Commission Number: EC CAS No. 53167-92-3. Storage: Store it at +4 ?C for short term. For long term storage, store it at -20 ?C?-80 ?C. Form: Liquid or lyophilized powder. EXWM-3223; nucleotide diphosphokinase; EC; 53167-92-3; nucleotide pyrophosphokinase; ATP:nucleotide pyrophosphotransferase; ATP nucleotide 3'-pyrophosphokinase; nucleotide 3'-pyrophosphokinase. Cat No: EXWM-3223.
Nucleozin is a cell-permeable isoxazolylpiperazine, which targets influenza a nucleoprotein (NP) to inhibit influenza A H1N1, H3N2 and H5N1. Synonyms: 1-(2-Chloro-4-nitrophenyl)-4-[(5-methyl-3-phenyl-4-isoxazolyl)carbonyl]-piperazine; [4-(2-Chloro-4-nitro-phenyl)-piperazin-1-yl]-(5-methyl-3-phenyl-isoxazol-4-yl)-methanone. Grades: ≥98%. CAS No. 341001-38-5. Molecular formula: C21H19ClN4O4. Mole weight: 426.85.
Nudicaucin A
Nudicaucin A is a triterpenoid compound found in the Hedyotis nudicaulis. Synonyms: (3beta)-3-[(3-O-beta-D-Galactopyranosyl-alpha-L-arabinopyranosyl)oxy]-30-noroleana-12,20(29)-dien-28-oic acid beta-D-glucopyranosyl ester. Grades: >98%. CAS No. 211815-97-3. Molecular formula: C46H72O17. Mole weight: 897.07.
Nudicaucin A
Nudicaucin A. Group: Biochemicals. CAS No. 211815-97-3. Pack Sizes: 5mg. US Biological Life Sciences.
Nudicaucin B
Nudicaucin B. Group: Biochemicals. CAS No. 211557-36-7. Pack Sizes: 5mg. US Biological Life Sciences.
Nudicaucin B
Nudicaucin B is a triterpenoid compound found in the Hedyotis nudicaulis. Synonyms: (3beta)-3-[(3-O-beta-D-Galactopyranosyl-alpha-L-arabinopyranosyl)oxy]-olean-12-en-28-oic acid beta-D-glucopyranosyl ester. Grades: >98%. CAS No. 211557-36-7. Molecular formula: C47H76O17. Mole weight: 913.11.
Cas No. 701-44-0.
Nudifloramide is. Group: Biochemicals. Alternative Names: N-Methyl-2-pyridoxone-5-carboxamide. Grades: Highly Purified. CAS No. 701-44-0. Pack Sizes: 5mg. US Biological Life Sciences.
Labeled Nudifloramide. Group: Biochemicals. Alternative Names: N-(Methyl-d3)-2-pyridoxone-5-carboxamide. Grades: Highly Purified. CAS No. 1207384-48-2. Pack Sizes: 2.5mg. US Biological Life Sciences.
2H Labeled Compounds. Alternative Names: N-Methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide-d3. CAS No. 1207384-48-2. Molecular formula: C7H5D3N2O2. Mole weight: 155.17. Catalog: ACM1207384482.
Nudifloric Acid
A metabolite of Tryptophan-niacin. Group: Biochemicals. Alternative Names: 1,6-Dihydro-1-methyl-6-oxo-3-pyridinecarboxylic Acid; Methyl-6-oxo-1,6-dihydropyridine-3-carboxylic Acid; 1-Methyl-6-pyridone-3-carboxylic Acid; 1-Methylpyridin-2-one-5-carboxylic Acid. Grades: Highly Purified. CAS No. 3719-45-7. Pack Sizes: 10mg. US Biological Life Sciences.
Nuezhenide. Group: Biochemicals. Alternative Names: Nucenide. Nüzhenide. Grades: Plant Grade. CAS No. 39011-92-2. Pack Sizes: 20mg. Molecular Formula: C31H42O17, Molecular Weight: 686.654999999999. US Biological Life Sciences.
Nuezhenidic acid
Nuezhenidic acid. Group: Biochemicals. Alternative Names: Nuzhendic acid; Nüzhendic acid. Grades: Plant Grade. CAS No. 183238-67-7. Pack Sizes: 10mg. Molecular Formula: C17H24O14, Molecular Weight: 452.363999999999. US Biological Life Sciences.
Nullscript is an analog of scriptaid, a histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor. Nullscript has no inhibitory effect against HDAC and acts as a negative control of scriptaid. Synonyms: 4-(1,3-dioxo-1H-benzo[de]isoquinolin-2(3H)-yl)-N-hydroxybutanamide. Grades: ≥98%. CAS No. 300816-11-9. Molecular formula: C16H14N2O4. Mole weight: 298.3.
A negative control compound for the histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor Scriptaid. Group: Biochemicals. Grades: Highly Purified. CAS No. 300816-11-9. Pack Sizes: 1mg, 5mg. US Biological Life Sciences.
Deuterated Detergents. Alternative Names: Fos-Choline-11-per deuterated head. CAS No. 1423246-57-4. Molecular formula: C16H23D13NO4P. Mole weight: 350.5. Appearance: White solid. Purity: ≥95%.
n-Undecyl phosphocholine-d9
Deuterated Detergents. Alternative Names: Fos-Choline-11-semi deuterated head. CAS No. 1423244-63-6. Molecular formula: C16H27D9NO4P. Mole weight: 346.5. Appearance: White solid. Purity: ≥95%.
Nuovo-Proline-16 is a C16, C16 carboxyl derivative of the amino acid hydroxypro-line. Dipalmitoyl hydroxyproline promotes collagen synthesis and enhances skin tone. Uses: Anti-wrinkle, Skin tightening, Lip plumping. Group: Skin Care Active Ingredients. INCI Name: Dipalmitoyl hydroxyproline. CAS Number: 41672-81-5.
A cell-permeable phenylacetate compound that blocks Nur77 (TR3) LKB1 nuclear-sequestering function by antagonizing against Nur77-LKB1 interaction via direct binding at the LKB1 LBD/ligand binding domain (Kd = 0.14 against 5uM LKB1 binding to 5uM full-length Nur77). Shown to induce LKB1 Ser428 phosphorylation (10 & 20uM for 6h) and LKB1 nuclear-to-cytosol translocation in hepatic LO2 cells, resulting in enhanced phosphorylations of LKB1 cytosolic effectors AMPKalpha and MARK1/2/3 without affecting Nur77 transactivation activity. Daily i.p. dosing (50mg/kg) is shown to increase liver LKB1 Ser428/AMPKalpha Thr172 phosphorylations in diabetic db/db mice in vivo, effectively improving animal glucose tolerance. Also reported to lower fasting blood glucose level in STZ-treated, high fat diet-fed type II diabetic mice. Group: Biochemicals. Grades: Highly Purified. Pack Sizes: 10mg. US Biological Life Sciences.
Nusinersen is a drug used for the treatment of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), which is related to the mutation in the SMN1 gene. It was approved by FDA in Dec. 2016 for the treatment of SMA in adults and children. Uses: The treatment of sma. Synonyms: RNA [2'-O-(2-methoxyethyl)](P-thio)(m5U-m5C-A-m5C-m5U-m5U-m5U-m5C-A-m5U-A-A-m5U-G-m5C-m5U-G-G); Spinraza; ISIS 396443; 1: PN: WO2010148249 SEQID: 1 claimed DNA. Grades: ≥95%. CAS No. 1258984-36-9. Molecular formula: C234H340N61O128P17S17. Mole weight: 7127.18.
Nutlin-3 is an MDM2 antagonist, inhibiting p53-Mdm2 interaction (IC50=0.09 μM) via affecting p53 binding pocket of MDM2. It has been studied in anticancer reseaches. Synonyms: (±)-4-[4,5-Bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2-(2-isopropoxy-4-methoxy-phenyl)-4,5-dihydro-imidazole-1-carbonyl]-piperazin-2-one; 4-[4,5-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2-(4-methoxy-2-propan-2-yloxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydroimidazole-1-carbonyl]piperazin-2-one. Grades: >98%. CAS No. 548472-68-0. Molecular formula: C30H30Cl2N4O4. Mole weight: 581.49.
Cell-permeable. Nutlin-3 is a Mdm2 (mouse double minute 2) antagonist (IC50=90nM for Nutlin-3a and 13.6uM for Nutlin-3b), p53 pathway activator, and apoptosis inducer. Group: Biochemicals. Grades: Highly Purified. CAS No. 548472-68-0. Pack Sizes: 1mg, 5mg. US Biological Life Sciences.
Nutlin-3a is an inhibitor of MDM2 (human homolog of murine double minute 2), which disrupts its interaction with p53, leading to the stabilization and activation of p53. Nutlin-3a activates the p53 pathway and efficiently induces apoptosis in tumours with amplified MDM2 gene and overexpression of MDM2 protein. Synonyms: rebemadlin; (-)-Nutlin-3; Nutlin-3a chiral. Grades: >98%. CAS No. 675576-98-4. Molecular formula: C30H30Cl2N4O4. Mole weight: 581.5.
Nutlin-3b, the active enantiomer of Nutlin-3, inhibits the p53/MDM2 interaction with IC50 of 90 nM. Synonyms: Nutlin-3; nutlin 3; Nutlin 3b; FJA1772CVW; (+)-Nutlin-3; CHEMBL2152332; CHEBI:46742; 4-[(4R,5S)-4,5-Bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2-(4-methoxy-2-propan-2-yloxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydroimidazole-1-carbonyl]piperazin-2-one; 2-Piperazinone, 4-(((4R,5S)-4,5-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-2-(4-methoxy-2-(1-methylethoxy)phenyl)-1H-imidazol-1-yl)carbonyl)-; 4-((4R,5S)-4,5-Bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2-(2-isopropoxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-1-carbonyl)piperazin-2-one; 4-[(4R,5S)-4,5-Bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2-(2-isopropoxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydro-1H-imidazole-1-carbonyl]piperazin-2-one; 4-[[(4R,5S)-4,5-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-4,5-dihydro-2-[4-methoxy-2-(1-methylethoxy)phenyl]-1H-imidazol-1-yl]carbonyl]-2-piperazinone; cis-4-{[4,5-bis(4-chlorophenyl)-2-(2-isopropoxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-4,5-dihydroimidazol-1-yl]carbonyl}piperazin-2-one. Grades: >98%. CAS No. 675576-97-3. Molecular formula: C30H30Cl2N4O4. Mole weight: 581.49.
Nutmeg Neolignan
Nutmeg Neolignan is a stereomixture of erythro-Δ8'-7-Ethoxy-4-hydroxy-3,3',5'-trimethoxy-8-O-4'-neolignan and threo-Δ8'-7-Ethoxy-4-hydroxy-3,3',5'-trimethoxy-8-O-4'-neolignan. The mixture is novel TRPM8 agonist from nutmeg as promising cooling compound. Group: Biochemicals. Grades: Highly Purified. Pack Sizes: 500ug, 5mg. Molecular Formula: C46H60O12, Molecular Weight: 804.96. US Biological Life Sciences.
"""Indonesia is currently the largest producer of Nutmeg Oil in the world, providing 75% to 80% of the global supply. It is also one the top three largest producers of Mace Oil. The three areas where Nutmeg is mainly grown in Indonesia are Java, Aceh in North Sumatra and the spice island in around Sulawesi. 80 - 90% of the Nutmeg Oil processed is used for flavouring in beverages""". Uses: Oral care and pharmaceutical, Aromatherapy, Personal Care, Perfumery. Group: Plant Extracts. INCI Names: Myristica Fragrans (Nutmeg) Kernel Oil. Grades: FOOD GRADE. CAS No. 84082-68-8 ; 8008-45-5. Pack Sizes: 25 kgs Jerrycan, 200 kg Drums. Product ID: NM-005. Olfactive Profile: Spicy, terpenic, sweet, warm, woody. EC No: 282-013-3. FEMA No: 2793. Origin: Indonesia.
New Jersey
Nutmeg Oil (Java | Bogor 9% Myristicin)
Indonesia is currently the largest producer of Nutmeg Oil in the world, providing 75% to 80% of the global supply. It is also one the top three largest producers of Mace Oil. The three areas where Nutmeg is mainly grown in Indonesia are Java, Aceh in North Sumatra and the spice island in around Sulawesi. 80 - 90% of the Nutmeg Oil processed is used for flavouring in beverages. Uses: Flavor, Oral Care, Fragrance Products, Personal Care. Group: Plant Extracts. INCI Names: Myristica Fragrans (Nutmeg) Kernel Oil. Grades: FOOD GRADE. CAS No. 84082-68-8 ; 8008-45-5. Pack Sizes: 25 kgs Jerrycan, 200 kg Drums. Product ID: NM-001. Olfactive Profile: Spicy, terpenic, sweet, warm, woody. EC No: 282-013-3. FEMA No: 2793. Origin: Indonesia.
New Jersey
Nutmeg Oil Safrole Free
"Indonesia is currently the largest producer of Nutmeg Oil in the world, providing 75% to 80% of the global supply. It is also one the top three largest producers of Mace Oil. The three areas where Nutmeg is mainly grown in Indonesia are Java, Aceh in North Sumatra and the spice island in around Sulawesi. 80 - 90% of the Nutmeg Oil processed is used for flavouring in beverages". Uses: Fragrance, Personal Care. Group: Plant Extracts. INCI Names: Myristica Fragrans (Nutmeg) Kernel Oil. Grades: FOOD GRADE. CAS No. 84082-68-8 ; 8008-45-5. Pack Sizes: 25 kgs Jerrycan, 200 kg Drums. Product ID: NM-004. Olfactive Profile: Spicy, terpenic, sweet, warm, woody. EC No: 282-013-3. FEMA No: 2793. Origin: Indonesia.